Friday, September 5, 2008

Forest - Like a Blaze Above the Ashes

Blazebirth Hall is not exactly infamous for producing good music. Much like the LLN, Blazebirth Hall is a little club of black metal persuteists who like to make inaccessible lo-fi music. Most stuff from these Russians sucks but Forest's Like a Black Above the Ashes is wonderful. With the perfect ammount of rough production mixed with unique melodic, yet still raw guitar playing the songs on this album all prove to be interesting and varied. The first 2 are more raw black metal tracks, but the 3rd track after it gets going truly shines with imaculent riffing. Everything a black metal fan could want is found on this album, get it!

1. By the Roar of Hammers Call
2. With All the Coldness of Knowledge, with All the Cruelty of Requital
3. To the Fiercest Frost
4. Obscurity


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